National Harmony
Humanitarian Service

BARDASHT is a non-profitable, non governmental organization registered under Social Welfare Agencies Ordinance of 1961. The Head Office is based in Islamabad whereas it has branch offices in Karachi, Lahore, Quetta, Peshawar and Gilgit. BARDASHT under the strong leadership of former Minister Senator Nilofar Bakhtiar, is committed to promoting peace and non-violence in the society through awareness and advocacy.BARDASHT also intervenes in situations of disasters and emergencies, with focus on sustainable development.
BARDASHT came into existence on the 3rd of November, 2007. It was formed amongst a modest group of like-minded friends and wellwishers from the civil society, who volunteered themselves, their precious time and resources in contributing to peace building and tolerance. Ever since, BARDASHT has been working, for the last (11) years, on all human and gender related issues that needed attention and voice.
Our Mission
The human family is very diverse. It has different beliefs, cultures and ways of life. Many conflicts In our world are caused when people are intolerant of a world view dissimilar to their own. On the other hand patience and tolerance lead to a non violent world, a world that shows respect and acceptance for the rich diversity of cultures, religions, expression and ways of being human. Tolerance is an immense attribute and is fostered by knowledge, dialogue and freedom of thought and conscience. It is harmony in difference.

Our Vision
Our Vision is to spread a message of peace and mutual respect. We are working in several remote areas of the country with diverse and unreached groups, whose beliefs, practices and viewpoints maybe opposed to our own.

Our Accomplishment
In the first year of its formation BARDASHT has enrolled five thousand members and volunteers. They represent diverse segments of the society including survivors of religious and cultural intolerance. The movement individuals, groups and organizations. Students and youth form our core group all over PAKISTAN.

Syeda Hafeeza Begum Welfare Complex

Peace Conferences

Pakistan is among the top ten countries to be severely affected by climate change. Pakistan has also been witnessing increasing number of complex emergencies like terrorism, civil unrest, drone attacks, bomb blasts, suicide bombings, targeted killings and sectarian violence. On the other hand, violence against women; like acid throwing, workplace harassment, killings in the name of honor, forced marriages, inheritance and property rights of women and domestic violence etc are persistent issues, without showing any noticeable improvement.
Other Major Activities by Bardasht

The broad field /categories in which Bardasht has been working since its inception are:
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