Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - Conference Recommendations


  • Timely and implementable contingency plans should be made in consultation with stakeholders and dams should be constructed on priority basis.
  • Disaster mitigation skills should be provided to the people and youth. Boy scouts/girl guides need to be engaged and involved more extensively.
  • Latest technologies for early Warning should be acquired and provided to concerned agency.
  • Efforts should be made to relocate population living on fault lines and timely early warning to those living in flood prone areas should be ensured.
  • Special measures for afforestation should be taken and pollution should be minimized.


  • Government should respond to terrorism at top priority as it adversely effects political stability, employment and economic activities in the province.
  • Community based organizations and local leadership must be mobilized for grass root reflections in policy making.
  • Syllabus at secondary level should be scrutinized to be reflective of the millennium goals.
  • Policies should be formed on the basis of public opinion and participatory approach.


  • All parliamentarians should be sensitized on the importance of women progressive legislations passed so far.
  • There should be awareness campaigns on the implementation of pro-women laws/instruments.
  • Women progressive laws should be made part of the undergraduate and graduate syllabi.
  • Fcr (federal crimes regulation) should be abolished.