Punjab - Conference Recommendations


  • Consideration should be given to the protection and specific requirements of females (female specific issues, facilities, requirements) during disaster-relief activities.
  • Strengthen coordination between District, provincial and national level for planning and provision of related sectoral guidelines, keeping in view the provincial Autonomy.
  • Disaster management, protection and rehabilitation should be made part of the secondary school syllabus.
  • Met Office warnings should be disseminated to all concerned and taken seriously.

  • Departments of education and Health should work to appoint Health Care Professionals (eHVs, DHMA Doctors) in schools and colleges/universities.
  • Qualified environmentalists should be appointed at District, provincial and national level as trainers.
  • Fire brigade units should be reorganized and made effective.
  • There should be a large number of scouts and trained persons that should be registered as volunteers and made available at times of emergency.
  • Building codes should be developed, renewed and implemented strictly.
  • Afforestation should be encouraged; scouts and volunteers can be deployed for such purposes.
  • Biodiversity Action plan, environment policy 2005 and national conservation Strategy should be used as literature source for application of policies, etc.
  • PEPA (pakistan environmental protection Act) 1997 should be used as source of law.


  • Database of law enforcing organizations should be updated for sharing during emergency situations.
  • Safety education should be made mandatory at primary/secondary level.
  • Counter negative influences.
  • Rescue Services/teams should be well-equipped and efficient.
  • There should be emphasis on religious tolerance building at community, provincial and national level.


  • Awareness should be created in the society regarding all women progressive laws that have been passed till now.
  • All police Stations should have female investigation offcers and separate women police station for implementation of Section 509 – pakistan penal code.
  • Sensitization of village elders regarding women progressive laws is essential.
  • nGos federation should be established to accelerate consultative processes for implementation of womenrelated laws by building up pressure through nGos and international donors on the government.
  • Software and inter linked computer system should be developed whereby complaints, fIr registration is done through computerized system, directly linked with IG police for smooth lodging of complaints and monitoring the progress of the cases.
  • Committees in every union council should be trained to explain laws to women in the vernacular of the region.
  • Women should form a fundamental part of judicial, administrative and legislative cadres.
  • Female lawyers should have protection in situations of non- compliance by police.
  • Pro-bono cases should be made mandatory for lawyers in case of transgressions against women.
  • Religious Scholars should come forward to clear religious position about social status of women as they have considerable influence over the society.
  • Media should stop propagation of gender violence through aired programs/dramas.
  • The girl-child rights (home workers, etc.) must be safe guarded according to international standards.