About Peace Conferences

Pakistan is among those developing countries which are situated in the world hazard belt and are frequently subjected to floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes and landslides. Pakistan has also been witnessing increasing number of complex emergencies like terrorism, civil unrest, drone attacks, bomb blasts, suicide bombings, targeted killings and sectarian violence. On the other hand, violence against women; like acid throwing, workplace harassment, killings in the name of honor, forced marriages, inheritance and property rights of women and domestic violence etc are persistent issues, without showing any noticeable improvement.
In order to reinforce our commitments and to build resilient society & communities, we are contingent upon effective networking, knowledge sharing, lessons learnt, building institutional capacities and on working together to cope up with the challenges posed by nature or by humans. Considering that Pakistan has a diversified landscape and variance in cultural, political, social, economical and geographical aspects, BARDASHT in partnership with UN Women took initiative to provide a platform and a forum at Provincial and National level to augment awareness efforts, build consensus, despite all the differences, and to network all the stakeholders to play their active part for building Peace and Harmony in Pakistan.
THE PEACE CONFERENCES (PROVINCIAL CHAPTERS)BARDASHT with support of Un Women successfully organized a series of six Peace Conferences, in all the five (5) Provinces of Pakistan as well as at National level. the structure and composition for all conferences remained the same. the structure adopted is mentioned below
Registration and Arrival of Chief Guest
Recitation from Holy Quran
Welcome address
Address by chair person
Address by chair person
Address by chief Guest
Vote of thanks
Opening remarks by conference chair
Key note speakers
Open House Discussion
Concluding remarks
Prayer and lunch break
Thematic Group Discussions
4. CLOSING SESSION: Presentation of recommendations Speach by chief Guest Closing Remarks
Each conference was based on following three major themes:Natural Disasters
Complex Emergencies
Women-progressive Legislations