Gilgit Baltistan - Conference Recommendations

- Awareness must be created regarding natural disasters.
- GB disaster management authority must be strengthened and provided with more resources.
- Response mechanism may be decentralized.
- Environmental degradation should be avoided.
- Response resources should be allocated to each district and remote places.
- Proper coordination and liaison between all institutions must be ensured.
- Local community should be extensively involved at planning, relief and rehabilitation stages.
- Trained and well equipped rescue teams need to be placed at critical places, especially in the remote areas.
- Transparency should be ensured by involving local government during preparedness phase.
- Representation of GB in national Assembly and Senate should be given top priority.
- Aerial evacuation is the only option in GB therefore dedicated helicopter be earmarked for emergency.
- Sufficient and timely support (fnancial and material) should be made available to the government of GB to help in their rehabilitation program.
- Psycho-social rehabilitation also need to be given high priority in case of emergency or natural disaster.
- Provincial branch of pakistan red crescent Society must be strengthened and made responsible in GB.
- Frequent drills and exercises must be carried out to keep everyone ready and ensure quick response in deliverance of services at time of need.
- “Disaster Response Management” as a post-graduate course should be introduced in Karakoram University or be taught as a subject.
- Building codes should be ensured by the concerned department.
- Resources for water/sanitation/health should be made available in sufficient quantity and be placed in remote areas to meet the requirement in minimum possible time in emergency.
- NDMA should provide additional resources to GB being more prone to natural Disasters.

- If GB is considered a disputed territory, then interim constitutional rights be given as to AJK. If considered as part of pakistan, then constitution of pakistan should be enforced.
- Appointment of judges of appellate courts in GB should be done purely on merit.
- Serious strategic planning is required by the Government of Gilgit-Baltistan to reduce the unemployment in the province.
- Exploitation of potential natural resources, including minerals, should be done with ownership to local people.
- Local Government system needs to be strengthened.
- Unauthorized vehicles or stolen vehicles are found in abundance in GB which are hired by the agencies during operations. those who have the interest in this business create law and order situations for their own benefit.
- State subject rule needs to be revived immediately.
- All politicians/activists arrested by the Government should be freed.
- Punitive action must be taken against culprits involved in sectarian killings.
- There should be zero involvement of religion in the governance process.
- There should be interaction of the youth from major sects in GB to create harmony and tranquility in the area.
- The rights of women and children to free medical treatment in rural areas must be endorsed.

- Organizations must arrange seminars regarding women rights in villages instead of Gilgit city.
- Media should cover women success stories to encourage the community to ensure women participation.
- The Ministry for Women Development should be established.
- Shelter homes/Dar-ul-Amaan should be established in GB.
- Family courts should be established.
- The scope of Benazir Income Support program (BISp) should extend to GB.
- Government should design strict rule on honor killing and provide transport and security to working women.
- Monitoring committees from communities must be encouraged and developed to ensure democratic participation.
- Women political and economic empowerment policy 2002 should be implemented in GB.
- Pakistani women related laws, protocols, ratified treaties and conventions should be extended to GB