SINDH - Conference Recommendations

- An effective early warning system should be put in place.
- Rapid response force should be organized to be able to respond in shortest possible time.
- To provide food, non-food items and medical services, including medicines should be supplied on urgent basis to disaster affected people.
- Camp area problems should be solved at the spot.
- NGOs and local administration should collaborate and make joint efforts to help the affectees.
- Rehabilitation activities should be part of the disaster management process and development plans by government.
- Monitoring units should be setup at District level.

- There should be a complete ban on toy guns/weapons.
- Ammunition should not be available to the public without strict licensee checks.
- Terrorism laws need to be reformed, strengthened and implemented.
- There should be a realistic, fool-proof witness protection program.
- Youth awareness campaigns must be undertaken to educate them about misuse of drugs and weapons.
- History syllabus in schools should focus on social, scientific and cultural achievements of rulers, rather their military victories.
- TV and electronic media should not show vulgarity, hatred, violence and religious intolerance.
- Government should refrain from targeting any political group.
- There should be de-weaponization and disarmament of political parties and the concerning Bill be passed.
- Implementation of acid-throwing law shall be strictly carried out.
- There should be thorough coordination between victims and nGos.
- Compensation should be given immediately to the victim, without lengthy process.
- Acid-buying and selling in the market should be banned or highly restricted.
- Jirga system should be abolished in villages.
- There should be a rehabilitation program for the sexually abused children.
- Harassment at workplace law should be strictly imposed throughout the country.
- Dowry abuse should be dealt with strict action.